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Economy and Livelihood


Economic development and the creation of decent work opportunities are critical to ensuring economic growth and social cohesion. With the exponential growth of green and digital sectors, understanding and adapting to labour market need is critical.

Delta Strategies provides expert advice to government agencies, public-private partnerships, leading NGOs, and the private sector, helping them understand where the opportunities lie, and how to position interventions to maximise their benefits.   

We engage with governments and legislators, private sector representatives, education and training providers, and civil society organisations, to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the economic drivers, and the barriers. 

In 2022, Delta Strategies was commissioned by the International Labour Organisation in Jordan to map emerging green and digital sectors in the Jordanian economy, identify labour market needs, and provide recommendations to government and the ILO around how to position public policy, education and skills training, and private sector engagement to make the most of this opportunity. 

In 2021, we worked with Saudi Arabia's leading technology company, helping them better understand where their opportunities lay in relation to global, regional, and local market trends and policy drivers, helping them reposition their brand to capitalise on Saudi Arabia's new economic growth plan.

Case Study

The Challenge

  • The International Labour Organisation sought expert advice on identifying and targeting economic growth prospects in green and digital sectors in Jordan.

  • A shortlist of sectors including agriculture, waste management, renewable energy, water and resource management and ICT was suggested.

  • Delta Strategies were commissioned to conduct an extensive research project to test the viability of the sectors, and make programming recommendations

The Outcome

Through extensive desk review and engagement with ministries, private sector representatives, skills councils, chambers of industry, universities, training providers, civil society bodies and NGO representatives, a comprehensive set of recommendations for government, education providers, and the ILO was put forward, and presented to Government and NGO representatives in Amman.

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